ChillerHVAC Hospitals Don’t Stop The shutdown of a base building chilled water plant is difficult on any building. The…arc-adm1m20/09/2019
CoolingVentilation Outdoor Cooling SOLVED! Summer is a great time to be outdoors in WA. Leading up to Christmas last…arc-adm1m02/09/2019
ChillerGeneratorHVAC Portable Air Conditioner Rental For Expo’s and Events We were contacted to provide portable air conditioner rental options for a building at the Newcastle…arc-adm1m29/08/2019
ChillerHVAC HVAC Challenges and Rewards Temporary hire of HVAC rental equipment is both challenging and rewarding Over the years of…arc-adm1m29/08/2019
Chiller Chiller Solutions for Critical Environments – Redundancy When you run a critical environment, you know that you must have the correct redundancy.…arc-adm1m23/08/2019
Chiller High Rise Emergency Here at Aircon Rentals we deal with tasks big or small to meet our clients…arc-adm1m26/06/2019
Package Units Keeping the Cabaret Cool Our Staff at Aircon Rentals look towards achieving all challenges to provide our clients with…arc-adm1m26/06/2019
Ventilation Misting fan rental cools down the crowds! Outdoor Cooling During a Heat Wave As the weather was starting to heat up in…arc-adm1m06/04/2019