When you run a critical environment, you know that you must have the correct redundancy. Your services could be supporting person’s livelihood, reputation or even a life. This is not over stating the importance of redundancy. Aircon Rentals specialises in critical environments from hospitals and banks to data centres and airports. Aircon Rentals has design and implemented system for all environments, including chiller solutions. We add back the +1 when your N fails.
Not matter if its HVAC or power related, we have the correct products, service and team to form the precise solution for your critical environment.

In the photo, Aircon Rentals is supporting a critical data centre with 2 x 550kVA Generator and 2 x 600kW air cooled chillers. Aircon Rentals consulted the client and tailored a very unique solution. The clients’ requirement was that the system need to be independent of any base building services. It needed to be autonomous, starting and stopping under specific conditions. The system must have alarming and remote monitoring for both client and Aircon Rentals technicians. The system must run without refuelling for at least 36 hours under full load conditions. The client need access into the plant room to replacement and remove the existing chillers.
The solution provided automatically start on either chilled water over temperature alarm or a base building chiller failure. When either event occurs the generator automatically start providing power to associated chiller. The pump, chiller and necessary valving automatically open and run. If at any point in time the second chiller is required the process start again. Your Technicians and Aircon Rentals’ are notified on start or any conditions changing. All equipment is remotely monitored 24hour 7 days a week when in standby or running. 3000L External bulk tanks provided a minimum run time of 36 hours. A gantry was built to take the temporary chilled water pipework and electrical cables.
Before you lose your redundancy let’s start talking. We are only too happy to be part of your disaster recovery plan. Please contact us or give us a call us on 1800 626996.
Our full range of chillers can be found here.
This article also appears in Climate control News as a featured article about critical support during changeovers.